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What is TENTPEGS and how can it help?

  • Tool kit for health professionals to guide conversations with patients about making health-related behaviour changes.
  • Based on the existing scientific literature on theory-aligned behavior change techniques.
  • For use opportunistically (e.g. when behavior change conversations naturally occur during consultations), or during conversations focused on behavior change (e.g. consultation focused on weight management).
  • The TENTPEGS approach is person-centered, enables tailored care provision, and is designed to be integrated into existing practices.

Michie S, Richardson M, Johnston M, Abraham C, Francis J, Hardeman W, Eccles M, Cane J, Wood C. The behavior change technique taxonomy (v1) of 93 hierarchically clustered techniques: Building an international consensus for the reporting of behavior change interventions. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 2013, 46:81-95.

Dixon D, Johnston M. Health behaviour change competancy framework: Competences to deliver interventions to change lifestyle behaviours that affect health. 2010. Available at: http://www.healthscotland.com/documents/4877.aspx.

Chisholm A, Hart J, Mann K, Perry M, Duthie H, Rezvani L, Peters S. Investigating the feasibility and acceptability of health psychology-informed obesity training for medical students. Psychology, Health & Medicine 2016, 21:368-376.

Chisholm A, Hart J, Mann KV, Peters S. Development of a behavior change communication tool for medical students: The ‘Tent Pegs’ booklet. . Patient Education and Counseling 2013.

The team behind the development of TENTPEGS

Prof. Sarah Peters

Prof. Sarah Peters

University of Manchester

Sarah is a Professor of Health Psychology and joint director of the Manchester Centre for Health Psychology at The University of Manchester.

Dr Anna Chisholm

Dr Anna Chisholm

University of Liverpool

Anna is a health psychologist and lecturer in health psychology at the University of Liverpool.

Prof. Jo Hart

Prof. Jo Hart

University of Manchester

Jo is a health psychologist, Professor of Health Professional Education and Head of the Division of Medical Education at the University of Manchester.


Dr Lucy Porter

Principal Behavioural Science Adviser, Office for Health Improvement & Disparities, Department of Health and Social Care.

"TEnT PEGS is a great tool to help healthcare professionals support their patients with behaviour change. It combines evidence-based rigour with helpful examples of how these behaviour change techniques can be implemented in practice. We have used it in our behaviour change training sessions with healthcare professionals, and have heard from attendees that the framework fits in harmoniously with other training that professionals have received. This just shows how easily TEnT PEGS can be adapted and used in patient conversations."


TENTPEGS is a tool kit for health professionals to guide conversations with patients about making healthy lifestyle changes.